This is a question that not only patients struggle with but even doctors from other specialties. The main confusion is between orthopedic surgery and rheumatology specialties. In general, orthopedic surgeons treat mechanical problems with musculoskeletal system (joints, bones, tendons and ligaments), while the rheumatologists treat all other problems and diseases of this system. Examples of […]
When should you see a Rheumatologist?
This is an important question since we have seen many cases of “arthritis” with delayed diagnosis resulting in damage to the joints and sometimes other organs because patients with arthritis were not directed to the right specialty of rheumatology early in the disease course. Common Reasons to visit a Rheumatologist As a general rule any […]
The suffering little “princess”
Three and half years old girl, brought by parents with a long history of suffering, started when she was only 6 months old, with recurrent attacks of fever, and “colic’s”, that became more frequent over time, and became more defined with fever, very severe abdominal pain and knees pain, and it is now happening every […]
The elephant in the room!
While the debate about the escalating cost of health care in America rages on, a major part of the problem is usually ignored: the huge markup of medicines. In several investigative reports (including from CNN and national geographic) it was found that up to 80% of active ingredients of the medicines sold in America come […]
The “safe” traditional remedies that are not so safe!!!
Some years ago I saw a 52 years old gentleman with joints pain and swelling. Labs showed he has rheumatoid arthritis and we advised starting DMARDs (Disease Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs), but he wanted to try a “traditional” remedy from his home country first. We advised him against it since this type of “traditional medicines” has […]
The 20 years mystery!
A 50 years old lady comes to the clinic with history of chronic pain all over her body, but her most pressing issue was severe left shoulder pain that began 5 months ago. She was told her labs were normal and that she had a local shoulder problem and was given a local steroid injection […]
A young man with a long history!
3 years ago the mother of a 20 years old gentleman visits me in the clinic for the first time, her son refused to come because he is fed up and lost hope after suffering for so many years. At the age of 13, he began having occasional pain of lower back and hip pain […]